New People Group Adoption

How Will They Hear?

God is still at work in all the nations by bringing people to Himself, that will worship Him for all eternity. In early 2020 a Survey Team, from Cedar Crest BFC, was sent out to different people groups in the country of Chad in Africa. Cedar Crest has since adopted the (K) People Group of Western Chad and joined a church-planting team with Africa Inland Mission (AIM).

Today, we have sent two of our own brothers from our midst to go and be a part of this effort to bring the gospel to the K people of Chad. 

How Can I Be Involved?


“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38)

Is God calling you to be an answer to that prayer? Several other Unreached People Groups in Chad still need the gospel. If you sense the Lord laying the missionary calling on your heart, we encourage you to pray, seek his Word and discuss what the Lord might be doing with a pastor. Contact Pastor John LoRusso:


Cedar Crest has sent two of our own to Chad, Alex Hartranft and Fernando DeSouza. Sign up for their newsletters by sending them an email: ( and ( 

We also encourage you to pray about giving financially to the work of the ministry among the (K) People. Click the button below and select “Chad” in the dropdown menu. The Chad Fund exists to help with Alex’s and Fernando’s on-the-ground ministry projects .

Preach the Word

Our main desire is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the (K) People Group. The (K) people need to see the body of Christ in their everyday lives, and the Gospel being lived out by faith. To do that, we believe an effective and fruitful ministry is done in healthy teams that display a picture of the body of Christ. We are excited to send Fernando and Alex to join the AIM church planting team among the (K) People. 

Invitation to Come

We want to see a church among the (K), and this would require believers to step out in faith. The doors are wide open to go. The local authorities have expressed for a few years now that the invitation to come is open to and live and serve among their people. 

Why go?

Be Sent


Reaching the People

The needs are great in these in 4 different areas:

Cultural Center

The team would live among the (K) People Group, learn the native language and help at the cultural center. The cultural center is a perfect place in town to serve and build relationships with the people. The cultural center is a place for after school activities such as sports, drama, music, computers and community health. 

English Teachers

Another option to reach the people is through teaching English at local government schools, and also the private christian school, run by the local Chadian church.

Health and Malnutrition

While the survey team visited in March of 2020, the local government officials have shared with us the great need that exists  to help the local people become better informed and educated about their own health and enable themselves to deal with the constant threats of malnutrition, high infant/maternal mortality rate, and basic health issues such as diarrhea and malaria. We see community health center, especially for women, as a wide open door to help the local people as well as a great way to make contacts for the Gospel.

Local Non-Indigenous Church

We want to see the local church mobilized to think and live with a desire to share the gospel. The church pastor and its elders have also openly welcomed the partnership. So our work on the ground would be done alongside the local church to edify one another to actively engage in the ministry of reconciliation that Jesus has given to us. To that end we would actively participate in the local church seeking to encourage, model, and teach from the word of God and train up leaders and local pastors. The ministry in the local church is essential for a long lasting change in the region and it must start with the hearts of the believers. 



Discipleship Institute








Discipleship Institute





Discipleship Institute






Church Planting
