NO Discipleship Institute tomorrow | Worship Service time change to 9AM

DI Logo - August 2019
Discipleship Institute

Discipleship for All of Life

What Is Discipleship Institute?

Discipleship Institute (DI) is our version of Sunday School. But it’s not your typical Sunday School. Cedar Crest takes seriously the biblical concept of discipleship, which means becoming more like Christ in every facet of our lives. Every DI class is carefully crafted with this purpose in mind.

DI exists to enhance our understanding and practice of biblical discipleship.


Discipleship Pastor: Chris Von Holt

Phone: 610-432-2200





Room 1 & 2

Most Christians are not aware that the historical events of Genesis 1–11 (Creation, Fall, Flood, Babel) are the foundation of all biblical doctrine, the gospel, and a Christian worldview. Also, the answers to all our present moral/social issues are found in Genesis 1-11. In addition, these chapters provide answers to questions such as: What is the approximate age of the earth? Why a seven-day week? Was there really a Noah’s Ark and, if so, how could they possibly get all the animals on it? Was there a worldwide flood and, if so, what is the evidence? What is the origin of the people groups and the 7,000 languages of the earth? Participants will be equipped to answer these questions and many others, based on the absolute authority and historical accuracy of the Bible.

Glenn Felty:

Glenn served at CCBFC for over 15 years where he was Senior Associate Pastor until retiring in July 2018. Prior to that his ministry included 13 years as an MK school principal in Venezuela, 10 years as Sr. Pastor of Grace Church in Clifton, NJ, and 13 years as Church Relations Director for TEAM in Wheaton, IL. He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Columbia International University, Houghton College, and Azusa Pacific University. Glenn and his wife, Shirley, have been married 58 years.
Dave Kohler:
Dave, a dedicated educator with over 20 years of teaching experience, has been an active member of Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church since 2005. Throughout his time at CCBFC, he has served in various roles, including elder, youth group leader, college ministry volunteer, Discipleship Institute teacher, LIFEGroup leader, VBS volunteer, worship team member, and nursery worker. Dave has been happily married to Jessica for 21 years, and together they are blessed with three daughters.  

HEBREWS: The Majesty & Supremacy of Jesus Christ

Room 41 & 43

Hebrews is an integration of OT teaching applied to NT living in “these last days.” There is more OT use in Hebrews than in any other NT book. Students of Hebrews come to know Jesus Christ better by seeing him more clearly in the old covenant imagery. Knowing Jesus Christ better always leads to more and better worship. The goal and purpose of the Church is to worship and adore Christ but the tendency in every age, including ours, is to drift with the culture and it’s lure of other, lesser loves.  Hebrews helps us purposefully look to Jesus and to keep doing that so that “we become true partakers of Christ, holding fast our assurance, firm until the end.”

Having studied at Wheaton College and Case Western Reserve University, to be a chemical engineer, Blair has spent 35 years working in industrial water treatment in sales, sales management, sales operations and innovation marketing. In these roles he frequently taught and presented for his company.  Blair and his wife Donna have been married for 40 years.  Having raised four now married children, they currently enjoy eight grandchildren.  Previously at Cedar Crest, beside Hebrews, Blair has taught DI Apologetics and Gospel Freedom and Forgiveness.

Faith & Science

Fellowship Hall

Do you feel like the world’s answers to big questions, as it “follows the science,” conflict with the message of the Bible? For the first 22 years of my life, I didn’t feel any conflict on questions like “Is God real?”, “Can I trust the Bible?”, and “How did everything get here?” because I was of the world, educated in the world, and I knew nothing else. In 1985 the Lord saved me, but he didn’t wipe my memory or stop me from being a left-brained analytical type who needs things to make sense. It’s been a journey to come to a place of confidence and joy in all of God’s word despite the world’s message to the contrary. Faith and Science is a voluminous area of study and I only know a fraction, but I will share my particular thought-journey in hope it helps others.

Bill has been an elder at Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church since 1999.  He has served as deacon, children and adult Sunday school teacher, Adult Sunday School director, youth group leader, tech team (sound, media, lighting) leader, and worship band “musician” (sort of – he’s a drummer).  He is married to Lora for 37 years, has 3 adult children, 3 children-in-laws, and 8 grandchildren all of whom attend CCBFC.  He has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State University and has worked in product development, quality control, and manufacturing as a Packaging Engineer for 38 years.  He currently is Vice President of Quality and Engineering at TricorBraun Flex.


Human emotions—it often feels like we can’t live with them, yet we can’t live without them. Understanding what emotions are, how they can be regulated, and the role they play in a healthy Christian life is both a profound challenge and a transformative journey. This course explores the vital connection between truth and feeling, offering practical and biblical guidance on navigating emotions like discouragement and despair. Together, we will uncover how God’s truth can shape our emotions and how emotions, in turn, influence our thinking. You’ll come to better understand the crucial role godly emotions play in our lives and how, when surrendered to Christ, they can fulfill the purpose for which God designed them.

Adam Crain:

Adam graduated with a Bible Degree in 2004 and obtained a Master of Science in Christian Counseling in 2013 from Cairn University. He’s married to his wonderful wife, Lauren, for 14 ½ years as they raise their three young children. He’s been in the ministry for over two decades and is the Shepherding Pastor at Cedar Crest. He’s passionate about people finding freedom in Christ, discipleship, and the local church thriving as we love one another. He enjoys time with his family, the Philly Sports Team, and being a sportsman in the great outdoors.

Scott Allen:

Scott currently serves the church as a Biblical Counselor and a Life Group Leader. He and his wife Debbie have been at Cedar Crest for six years and married for 38 years, and have three sons and four grandchildren. He has a seminary degree in Biblical Counseling and took an early retirement in order to serve in an expanded role here at Cedar Crest. He is passionate about helping believers grow in Christ through the personal and corporate ministry of the Word.


Room 42 & 44
In an age when commitments are easily broken, it is critical that disciples of Christ obey two of God’s basic commandments: to commit to a local church and to serve one another using spiritual gifts. This course will explain why and how you should covenant with a local church—and what that means specifically to Cedar Crest BFC.

Chris has been on staff since 2016 and currently serves as Discipleship Pastor, overseeing adult ministries and the curriculum taught throughout our church. He is a graduate from Maranatha Baptist University and is pursuing his MDiv through the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife Courtney have been married since 2013 and have three children: Theodore, Guinevere, and Rosemary.

Child Care

Child Care will be available during Discipleship Institute time.

For Parents: Children’s classes are provided for ages Nursery – 5th grade, Middle School, and High School.

Audio Archives | The Master’s Doctrine for the Church

Walking through the BFC Articles of Faith



Discipleship Institute








Discipleship Institute





Discipleship Institute






Church Planting
