Making disciple of jesus christ

Care Ministry

Providing Physical and Soul Care for Our Members

Caring for the Church

Life is often hard and at times we need a listening ear and wisdom to help as navigate the deep waters. Proverbs 20:5 says “The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.” Our Pastors, volunteer counselors, and counseling partners all believe that the Word of God is the source for truth and draw their understanding for this truth. 

Through empathy, compassion, and skillful understanding of your problem, and desire is to help you navigate and grow in Christ through whatever difficulty you may have.


Get Involved

Shepherding Pastor: Adam Crain 

Phone: 610-432-2200


Support Groups

Post Adoption / Foster Care

We provide a place to come together for encouragement and support


Care and guidance for men who find themselves struggling with sexual purity issues

Pastoral and Individual Counseling


During our struggles we see Jesus Christ entering in and making significant changes in people's lives every day.

Visitation Ministry

Our Visitation Ministry is divided into two teams: Homebound and Hospital. Despite being in different environments, they share the same mission—to provide fellowship, encouragement, and support to otherwise isolated members who cannot be physically present to worship with the body on Sunday mornings.


Visiting the homes of members in our church family who cannot attend Sunday services.


Visiting members of our church family who are in the hospital.

Hospitality Ministry

Do you enjoy opening your home to others? If so, consider joining our Hospitality Team, which hosts visitors at our church.

Hospitality Team

Welcoming new people at Cedar Crest by hosting them at your home.

Other Care Ministries

For more information about our Care ministries please call 610-432-2200.

Widow Ministry

Looking out for and caring for the widows and widowers of our congregation

Meal Ministry

When people in our church go through surgeries, illnesses, new births or family losses, a nice home-cooked meal can be one of the best ways to be a caring church.


We help you celebrate and commemorate the life of your loved one


We're excited to see you start this new season of life in a way that please Christ


Find the help you need to get out from under this burden!

  • Transformed is a highly confidential and safe support group that is devoted to providing care and guidance for men who find themselves struggling with sexual purity issues. We meet weekly for accountability, reading and discussing “Sexual Purity for Men,” by David White. We approach these issues from a biblical perspective, believing that it is God’s love for sinners that leads to our repentance.


Send a confidential e-mail to

Side by side

Overcoming Betrayal Trauma through the Hope of Christ

  • This is a women’s confidential, peer led group focusing on their hope in Christ. They seek to provide a safe place for sharing, prayer and encouragement for women impacted by sexual sin in their marriages. Sin isolates and healing happens in community. Each meeting provides a climate of grace for women to bring their hearts and struggles before the Lord and each other. Join them as they seek to walk in faith before Him.

Meets twice monthly. Confidential information can be obtained through email. Contact


If interested in joining the team, please fill out this form.


  • Participate in a Visitor Orientation Training session facilitated by the Visitation Coordinator and the Shepherding Pastor
  • Accept notification from the Visitation Coordinator regarding church members who have been admitted to the visitor’s assigned hospital(s) to determine the visitor’s availability to visit and pray with the hospitalized member.
  • Visit and pray with the hospitalized member.
  • Communicate updates regarding visits paid to hospitalized members to the Visitation Coordinator and any post-discharge needs that the member identified.
  • Refrain from sharing information regarding the hospitalized member’s medical condition with anyone other than the Hospital and home Visitation Coordinator and/or the Shepherding Pastor and then only with the member’s permission
  • Notify the Visitation Coordinator if unavailable for an extended period of time (approximately two weeks or longer) to make visits with hospitalized members.


  • Member of Cedar Crest BFC
  • Compassionate heart, willingness to serve and give, the spiritual gift of SERVING those in need.
  • Live in harmony with the general and special rules of the Bible Fellowship Church as stated in the Articles of Faith and Biblical Principles for Living.



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Discipleship Institute





Discipleship Institute






Church Planting
