NO Discipleship Institute tomorrow | Worship Service time change to 9AM
We recognize visiting a new church for the first time can be overwhelming, so we’d like to make it easy for you. Below we’ve answered some questions that you might ask, but if we’ve missed any, please give us a call or email us.
Service time: 10:00 AM
Discipleship Institute: 8:45 AM
Van Ministry: Do you need a ride on Sunday mornings? You can sign-up ahead of time by calling the church Monday-Thursday for Sunday pick up.
What can I expect?
We want our guests to feel like they belong the moment they step foot into our church. That’s why you’ll encounter greeters at the doors who’ll be able to direct you to the Worship Center. If you have any questions, stop by the Welcome Desk directly inside the main lobby.
Our worship service begins at 10 AM. We open with a warm welcome to guests and church-wide updates. Then, we dive into worship in song—a blend of rich, traditional hymns and uplifting, contemporary music that glorifies God. The service transitions to a time of corporate and intentional prayer before diving into the sermon. You’ll hear biblical, expository preaching from God’s Word with real-life application for daily Christian living.
What should I wear?
At Cedar Crest, we sport a wide range of dress attire—from jeans and a t-shirt to suit and tie and dresses. Feel free to wear whatever makes you comfortable, knowing you’ll fit in.
At Cedar Crest, we view giving as an act of worship. You are able to give online or in person. To give a check, place it in the Offering Box located in the back of the Worship Center.
We have reserved parking spaces for first-time guests by our Worship Center (portico parking area on far side of building). Families with children are welcome to park by the Children’s Ministry Entrance (near the flagpole). Rooms 101 and 102 have been designated for families with small children if desired.
In order for you to fully benefit from our Worship Service, we have created safe and exciting environments for your children. You have the option to let your children stay in the service with you, or participate in our Children’s Ministry programs (up to 3rd grade).
Thank you so much for coming to Cedar Crest recently or stopping by at our website. Several Sundays throughout the year, we host a Pizza with the Pastors in The Hub. We would love for you to join us right after the service for lunch with some the pastors and staff of Cedar Crest. Your whole family is invited to come and eat. In case you don’t like Pizza, a salad and homemade desserts are also available.
11:45 AM | The Chapel
1151 S. Cedar Crest Blvd.
Allentown, PA 18103
Discipleship Institute
Discipleship Institute
Discipleship Institute
Church Planting