
Our Mission

To glorify the Triune God by exalting Him, edifying and equipping His Church, and evangelizing the world with His Gospel.

Our Vision

Cedar Crest BFC desires to be a biblically-saturated and Spirit-filled church that makes much of Christ, known for its leaders and members being conformed into the image of Christ and declaring the gospel to our neighbors and the nations, especially unreached people groups.

Core Values

Each of these core values represents a critical part in the larger roadmap of following our mission.

We value the Worship of our Triune God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24), both in our individual lives and when the church gathers corporately. We value worship in the home that centers around God’s Word, prayer, singing praises to His name, and living in accordance with the gospel. We value corporate worship that is prescribed in God’s Word that exalts the triune God and the salvation that He has provided for His people.

We value complete dependence on the Holy Spirit of God, because He is the agent in the application of redemption, reconciling us to God through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. He is the one who regenerates the sinner, causing them to be born again for saving faith in the gospel (1 John 5:1). He empowers the believer for service and righteous living and sanctifies us through the application of His Word in our minds and hearts. He prays for us when we are unable to pray for ourselves (Acts 1:8, John 3:5, John 16:7-11, Rom.8:26).

We value Spirit-empowered and Scripture-saturated prayer in our families and corporate gatherings as a form of worship as we approach God with adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. We value the fact that the early church committed themselves to regular corporate prayer (Acts 2:42) and the Lord answered powerfully (Acts 4:31), and He will still answer powerfully when believers ask anything according to His will (1 John 5:14). Therefore, we see prayer as essential for the Christian life and the life of the Church.

We value teaching and preaching that is derived from and faithful to Scripture (2 Tim. 4:1-2), and is therefore centered on Jesus Christ and His gospel (Lk. 24:27; Col. 1:28; 1 Cor. 1:23), authoritative (2 Tim. 4:2), passionate, pastoral, and applicable to the hearts of our people.

We value biblical leadership through a plurality of qualified elders and deacons (1 Tim. 3:1-13) who give themselves to the ministry of the Word, Prayer, and Service respectively (Acts 6:1-6). Leaders will also work hard to    equip the entire congregation for the work of the ministry locally and globally (Eph. 4:12; Titus 2:4).

We value discipleship based on the entirety of the “Great Commission” (Matt. 28:18-20), that includes teaching Jesus’ disciples to obey all His commands (Matt. 28:19). We want to equip every disciple in the knowledge of Jesus that blossoms into mature, Christlike hearts and actions in the home, in the church, and in the world (Eph. 1:15-20, 5:4-6; Col. 1:28; 1 John 3:2-3). We also value the identification of spiritual gifts, equipping and discipling every believer for the work of the ministry (Rom. 12; Eph. 4:11-16; 1 Cor. 12).

We value fellowship on the truth that believers in Jesus Christ have unrivaled unity with each other that was established in the New Covenant that He purchased with His blood. The Lord desires that His disciples be devoted to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and the prayers, not just in our weekly gathering, but also in daily life together (Acts 2:42-44). Therefore, we highly value unified and loving relationships for the building up of one another that is founded in Jesus Christ, comes from the Holy Spirit, and spans across culture, language, and ethnicity (Eph. 2:11-22; 4:12, Gal. 3:28-29; Heb. 10:23-25; Rev. 7:9).

We value care for the believer who will face trials of many kinds, including weariness, confusion, and hardship. Soul care seeks to bring clarity of rich biblical freedom and wisdom (Prov. 11:30; Lk. 4:18) to the complexity of today’s various problems (Jas. 1:2-4). Whether it be pre-marital concerns, martial, divorce, raising children, grief and loss, depression, we value the fact that the Word of God provides the answer to life’s problems (Ps. 18:6, Ps. 42; Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 1:3-4; 2 Pet. 1:3).

We value committed membership in our local church, because it is God’s desire for all His disciples to covenant together in a local body (1 Cor. 12). This is how disciples of Jesus Christ strive to obey Scripture’s commands to: maintain unity in their local church (Eph. 4:3), have one mind theologically (Phil. 2:2), use their spiritual gifts to build each other up (1 Cor. 12:7) in the context of carrying out the “one another commands,” use their monetary gifts to support the gospel ministry of the church (2 Cor. 9:7), and submit to the elders of the local church who are charged to give an account for the souls of their members (Heb. 13:17).

We value outreach in obedience to Jesus Christ for every believer to proclaim the gospel, with all urgency and compassion, to all people; from our neighbors, co-workers, friends and family members to the people of every tribe, nation, and tongue, with a special emphasis on unreached people groups. Our calling is to proclaim and live out the gospel message, it is the work of God to convert the sinner through regeneration, repentance and faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matt. 24:14, 28:19-20; Luke 24:46-47; John 20:21; Acts 1:8)

What We Believe

While rooted first and foremost in Scripture, we believe the central truths of the Bible have been faithfully summarized in the Statement of Faith found in the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church. 

We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God; the supreme and final authority of what to believe and how to live.

We believe God exists eternally in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are one God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He became man, lived a sinless life, died on a cross to save sinners, rose again and ascended into heaven where he is seated at the right hand of the Father. One day He will return in power and glory to complete the establishment of His kingdom on earth.  

We believe God loves all people and made the human race in His image to enjoy perfect fellowship with Him. Because of mankind’s sin, the relationship with God has been severed. All people have been corrupted by sin and are unable to enjoy a right relationship with God, apart from God’s grace.

We believe God’s grace is displayed in Jesus Christ, who shed his blood on the cross as the payment for mankind’s sin. There is no way, however sincere, to be saved other than through Jesus Christ. Those who repent and place their faith in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection are reconciled to God and imparted with new life.

We believe the Holy Spirit dwells within each Christian empowering them for lives of obedient service. As the Word of God is believed and obeyed, the Holy Spirit is working in the life of the Christian making them more like Christ.

We believe the Church is composed of all those who, through faith, have received Jesus Christ. The purpose of the church is to worship God, edify believers and proclaim the gospel—God’s message of salvation—to the world.

Read our full view of the gospel here.

Meet the Elders

Lay Elders and Ministry Elders

Bill Walters


Rick Whitmire


Dave Kohler


Alex Moyer


John LoRusso


Dave Tress


Scott Allen


Joe Busolits


Jason Hoy

Jason Hoy

Elder, Lead & Teaching PAstor

Adam Crain

Elder, Shepherding Pastor

Chris Von Holt


Jules Hull

Elder, Student ministry pastor

Meet the Deacons

Gregg Cromeans


Nelson Randolph


John Ulicne


Dan Bauer


Paul Younger


Tim Werner


Steve Hatfield


Andy Cromeans


Jay Reinhard


John Rapp


Meet the Ministry Staff

Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church Ministry Staff
Jason Hoy

Jason Hoy

Lead & Teaching Pastor, Elder

Jason was raised in Beaver Springs, PA where he attended an evangelistic, Biblically-based church, but wasn’t truly born-again until later. It wasn’t until his senior year in college that the Lord began drawing him unto Himself. After graduation, Jason moved to Kutztown, where he met his wife, Jennifer. Shortly after Jennifer’s witness to him, the Lord saved Jason and radically changed his life. Jason and Jennifer served at Calvary Baptist Church in Allentown for several years before attending Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church in Bethlehem, PA. A few years after attending, the church called Jason as their Pastor of Congregational Care in 2006 and he served in that role along with being an interim senior pastor until 2013. From 2014 until June of 2021, Jason was blessed to serve as the Senior Pastor at Ephrata Bible Fellowship Church before receiving a call to serve as the Lead and Teaching Pastor at Cedar Crest BFC. Jason also serves the BFC denomination on the Church Health Committee, which he enjoys very much.    

A graduate of Reformed Baptist Seminary, Jason has also completed courses at Westminster and Biblical Theological Seminaries. Jason has a passion to make much of Christ through expositional preaching and teaching of God’s Word and to be faithful in fulfilling the purpose of the church: Worshipping God, Edifying the believer, and Evangelizing the lost.

Jason and Jennifer are blessed with five children, Hannah, Rachel, Sarah, Lydia, and Joshua.

Adam Crain

Shepherding Pastor, Elder

Adam joined the Cedar Crest staff in October 2017. He graduated from Cairn University with a M.S. in Christian Counseling and Shepherding Ministries of the church. He’s passionate about people finding freedom in Christ, discipleship, and the local church thriving as we love one another. He and his wife Lauren have been married since 2010 and have three young children.

Chris Von Holt

Discipleship Pastor, elder

Chris joined the Cedar Crest staff in June 2016. He placed his faith in Christ through preaching of God’s Word at camp the Summer before His senior year of High School. Chris then pursued preparation for vocational ministry through heavy local church involvement, two internships, earning a B.A in Biblical Studies, and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree from Reformed Theological Seminary. He and his wife Courtney (2013) have three children, Theodore, Guinevere, and Rosemary. His passion is to encourage others to pursue Christ as their treasure through expositional preaching and meaningful relationships.

Jules Hull

Student MINISTRY pastor, elder

Nathan Trommler

Director of Outreach

Jane Handwerk

Director of Women's Ministry

Jane has been attending Bible Fellowship churches her entire life and has been at Cedar Crest since 1978. She and her husband Scott were youth sponsors for many years. She served as a leader in Pioneer Clubs and Girls Quest for 42 years and currently sings in the choir.  She is passionate about helping women form healthy relationships with each other and understanding their identity in Christ. Her desire is to encourage women to deepen their relationship with Christ through committed prayer and bible study.  Jane and her husband Scott have two married daughters and three amazing grandchildren. She is a lover of life and service, and enjoys time with family and friends, long walks and Wawa coffee.

Melissa Adams


Melissa began attending Cedar Crest at 6 years old. In fact, Pastor Boone was her youth pastor! Melissa and her husband Sam served for 18 years with Word of Life Fellowship – 8 of those in the Czech Republic, working with children and teens. Melissa adores the kids in the Skyrocket program and loves passing on Biblical truth and grace into their precious lives. She is totally in love with Jesus, her husband Sam and her 6 children and one son in law.

Rachael Bauer


Sarah Klase

Assistant director of children’s ministry

Sarah grew up attending Cedar Crest and has a passion for seeing young people grow in their knowledge and love for the Lord. After graduating from Moody Bible Institute with an Associates in Biblical studies, she had the privilege of serving the Lord over the next 12 years in various missions opportunities overseas and college ministry in Wyoming. Sarah is thrilled that the Lord has lead her back to her home church and is excited to be investing in the children who attend the Blastoff program.

Jay Reinhard

Business Manager, Deacon

Luke Walters

Director of Worship Arts

Luke grew up attending Cedar Crest, and has been involved in the worship ministry since 2007. In his junior year of college, the Lord called him to change directions and pursue worship leading as a full-time career. After completing his B.A. in Biology from DeSales, Luke began pursuing and is currently enrolled in an M.A. in Worship Leading program at Liberty University online. He joined Cedar Crest’s staff in May 2017 with a passion to help people seek and find total satisfaction in Jesus Christ through corporate and personal worship. He married his wife, Christine, in 2017.

Loren Skinker

Loren Skinker

Director of Communications

Loren grew up at Cedar Crest and entrusted his life to Christ through the ministries of the church at a young age. After earning his B.A. in Communications and English at Virginia Tech in 2019, he worked for ABWE International, a missions agency in Harrisburg, PA. There, he served as communications specialist and lead magazine editor for two years before the Lord directed him back to Cedar Crest. He and his wife Darby have been married since 2021 and have one daughter, Josephine.

Deanna Geibel

Sr. Administrative Assistant

Shivani Vazquez

Shivani Vazquez

Administrative Assistant

Jeff Silberman

Maintenance SUPERVISOR

Noah Waterman

assistant maintenance supervisor

Lee Lichtenwalner


Craig Wiseman




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Discipleship Institute






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