Discipleship Institute @ 8:45AM | Worship Service @ 10AM
To order a PA Child Abuse Clearance: go to www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS (this must be done on a laptop or desktop NOT an iPad or phone).
If this is the first time you are getting a clearance choose “create individual account,” if you are renewing a clearance choose “individual login.”
Note: Child abuse clearance fees for volunteers are waived one time every 57 months.
To order a PA State Police Background Check: go to https://epatch.pa.gov/home
A signed statement affirming a satisfactory criminal record is a valid substitute for FBI fingerprints.
If you have been a PA resident for the last 10 years you may declare exemption from the FBI Fingerprint requirement. To declare an exemption from the fingerprint requirement: go to FBI Fingerprinting Exemption Form to print and sign the attached form.
If you haven’t been a resident of PA for less than 10 years you will need an FBI Fingerprint Check. To order an FBI Fingerprint Check: go to https://uenroll.identogo.com/
The service code for volunteers is 1KG6ZJ. Complete the online form and make an appointment to go to the most convenient location to have fingerprints taken. Be sure to take the identifying documentation requested on the form.
Please see the updated Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Manual for the 2024-2025 Ministry year.
If you are a new volunteer or have not watched the Child Abuse Prevention Presentation from 2023, please do so.
Once you have reviewed the updated 2024-2025 Manual and can acknowledge that you have watched the 2023 Child Abuse Prevention Presentation, please sign the signature page and submit it to the Church Office or Shivani Vazquez at svazquez@cedarcrest.church.
It is required of all church staff, church Elders, church Deacons, and for any volunteers who work with Children and/or Youth to be informed of all Child Abuse Prevention policies annually.
1151 S. Cedar Crest Blvd.
Allentown, PA 18103
Discipleship Institute
Discipleship Institute
Discipleship Institute
Church Planting