Spirit-empowered & scripture-saturated


In our families and corporate gatherings

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If you have a prayer request or praise to share, Submit a Prayer Request or fill out a prayer card and put it in a Prayer Request box on Sunday mornings. To receive the weekly email “Praises & Prayer Requests” Subscribe to Weekly Email or pickup a paper copy at the Welcome Center on Sundays.
Prayer Resource

The Boiler Room

Charles Spurgeon was a 19th-century preacher among preachers. He earned the moniker “Prince of Preachers” for his giftedness in the pulpit.
When asked about his secret to preaching, he would commonly respond, “My people pray for me.” In fact, many of Spurgeon’s church members prayed in a lower room of the church during Sunday morning, which he called his Boiler Room.
At Cedar Crest, we desire to emulate this Boiler Room as a powerhouse of prayer on Sunday mornings. This is why we will be starting our own Boiler Room on Sundays at 8:15am in Room 115. Join us as we empower Sunday morning with prayer!

Jesus, Teach Us To Pray

A Praying Church

Each Sunday our people gather for the worship service with a heightened sense of anticipation. A prayer meeting had occurred that morning prior to the service in which scores had gathered to implore the Lord for His blessing on our gathering. Some of those remain in the prayer room, in prayer, all through the service. A profound touch from God is sensed during the worship in song and during the preaching of the Word. When the service is over many people make their way to the front of the worship center to pray with members of the prayer team. The leaders and the prayer team finish the morning in prayer together before going home. Every Sunday is a day of prayer.

During the week, in homes sprinkled throughout the Lehigh Valley, parents lead each other and their children in prayer. With a confidence that comes from being trained, fathers and mothers open the Bible with their children and unashamedly encourage them to grow in prayer. The name of Jesus Christ is extolled on the tongues of parents and children day after day in their homes. Every home is a place of prayer. 

Whenever our people begin a work of service, whether it be on Sunday or Wednesday or any other day of the week, they gather with the others who are serving and beseech God for the supernatural grace that enables their weak efforts to bear lasting fruit. They sense God’s help during their ministry. Then, after the ministry is over, but before heading home, the ministry workers gather together again to give thanks and to persevere in asking for God to make their service fruitful. Every work of service is surrounded by prayer. 

Every Sunday a day of prayer. Every home a place of prayer. Every work of service surrounded by prayer. 




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Discipleship Institute





Discipleship Institute






Church Planting
