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Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Life Groups

Life Groups Available Throughout the Lehigh Valley

Welcome to Life Groups

We believe that a Life Group is one of the best ways to build relationships and to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

We have Life Groups spread out all throughout the Lehigh Valley!

Get Involved

Shepherding Pastor: Adam Crain 

Phone: 610-432-2200


About Life Groups

We aren’t meant to live life alone. We are meant to journey through it together.

Life Groups connect us to one another and are not a new thing. In fact, they date back to the very beginnings of church thousands of years ago. In Life Groups, just the like the early church, we get to form friendships, to know and be known, offer support and encouragement, and to grow closer to God. In a small group environment, you get to ask big questions and wrestle with tough topics. Most importantly, we get to be together with our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Imagine being part of a Life Group who has a leader who is intentional about all of that. Someone who was able to foster a relational environment, and able to train you to be a disciple maker. Your knowledge and practical application of God’s word will grow exponentially as you join with others in the study of his word.

Cedar Crest’s Life Groups reflect our mission. We need to be together in order help each other better exalt God, edify and equip one another, and tell our neighbors, family, and coworkers of his gospel.

What are Life Groups Like?


Common Questions about Life Groups

When and Where do small groups meet?

Cedar Crest’s Life Groups meet in a variety of locations in the Lehigh Valley, both in homes and on the church campus. We have group meetings almost every day of the week, except on Wednesday evenings. Most of our groups meet in the evenings for a couple of hours twice a month.

Is CHILDCARE available?

Each group handles childcare in different ways, as needed. We want our families to be connected in groups. If you need a group with childcare in order to participate contact Pastor Adam or talk to a group leader and see what is available.

Do I have to be a member or a believer in Jesus Christ to join a Life Group?​

While we would love for you to be a believer in Jesus Christ and a covenant member with us here at Cedar Crest, belief and membership is not a necessary step in being part of a Life Group. However, all co-leaders are believers in Jesus Christ and also members of Cedar Crest.

How do I SIGN UP for a Life Group?

There are three ways to join a Life Group throughout the year. The first step is to click the link below to signup online. Your first option is to join an existing Life Group. The second option is to join a new Life Group in the Fall or at the beginning of the New Year. We usually offer sign-up opportunities at the weekend worship services, as well. The third option is to co-lead a new Life Group.



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