Global Missions

Reached People Groups

Making Disciples by Strengthening the Church Where it Exists 

What is a people group?

Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."

Matthew 24:14: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

A people group is an ethno-linguistic group with a shared identity based on language or ethnicity.  It is the largest group within which the gospel can spread without significant barriers to understanding.

We draw this idea about a people group from the Greek connotation of the word “nations” in passages such as Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19 above, where we are told about God’s desire for the gospel to go to all the nations. 

There are approximately 111,757 people groups worldwide.

Information provided by The International Mission Board – Global Research


Get Involved

Director of Outreach: Nathan Trommler

Phone: 610-432-2200


Typically, when going to work among a reached people group, we are looking to strengthen the church where it already exists. We do this so they can effectively make disciples in their local context and mobilize believers to take the gospel into other contexts.

We work among UnReached People Groups in order to preach the gospel where a church is not present and perhaps where people have never heard of the name of Jesus Christ. Click here to Learn more about Unreached People Groups

This State of the World demonstrates the importance for us to think strategically about where we should send people to labor for the gospel. 

Practical Ways we help

We partner with our missionaries working in reached areas by organizing short-term missions trips to help with a variety of areas in their long-term ministries. We have partaken in trips where we have helped build houses for missionaries, provide food and supplies, run vacation Bible School programs for families, and helped out at a refugee camp. 

We have sent many out in order to equip indigenous pastors and church leaders to be able to faithfully disciple their own congregations to grow in their faith and labor for the gospel in their own local contexts. 

There is always an opportunity to give to missionaries and to the church as we disperse funds to support our missionaries working in the field. To give, you can click here



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