Women’s Ministry

Welcome to Women's Ministry

Bible studies, fitness classes, retreats and a variety of other programs provide women with opportunities for fellowship, discipleship and service. Join the Women’s Ministry group today!

Join our Facebook Group.

Get Involved

Women’s Director: Jackie Loew

Phone: 610-432-2200

Email: women@cedarcrest.church

Bloom & Bond

Rooted in the Word, Growing Together in Grace

MAY 3 @ 9am – 11am | Activity Center

Enjoy brunch food, fellowship, and hear testimonies encouraging women not to be anxious or fear mentorship.

Jackie Loew will present a great opportunity for Cedar Crest women to be able to “Bloom and Bond” in deeper relationships through Summer Book Fellowships held at different women’s homes. More information will be communicated at the event!

Signups open Sunday, March 30.

Women’s Retreat

MARCH 28-30, 2025 | Waymart, PA

Guest Speaker: Jennie Harclerode

Join us for our annual Women’s Retreat for a weekend away for fellowship and teaching. The theme this year is Unshakeable, inspired from Psalm 16:8.

“I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.”

Register online or in-person on Sunday mornings.

Bible Studies

TUESDAY MORNINGS (8:45am – 11am) | Church Foyer

Studying a selection of 28 chapters in the Psalms from Pastor Cliff Boone’s sermons. Childcare is provided.

WEDNESDAY EVENINGS (6:30pm – 8pm) | The Hub/Lobby

Nursery available

The goal of the Well-Watered Woman isn’t to be someone but to know someone—the one who changes everything. Her ambitions and dreams are being transformed by Jesus as he shows her, day by day, the better way to live.
Isaiah 58:11 “The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”


for Women

Following the biblical model found in Titus 2:3-5, various mentorship opportunities are available. More experienced women will come alongside younger women and help them as they grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Cedar Crest Quilters

This group meets Tuesdays at 11:00 am in The Hub. The quilts are given to first-time mothers and are also available for purchase, with the proceeds going to support Cedar Crest missionaries.

Get in touch

Learn more about Cedar Crest Quilters.
Contact us

Side by Side

Overcoming Betrayal Trauma through the Hope of Christ

This is a women’s confidential, peer led group focusing on their hope in Christ. They seek to provide a safe place for sharing, prayer and encouragement for women impacted by sexual sin in their marriages. Sin isolates and healing happens in community. Each meeting provides a climate of grace for women to bring their hearts and struggles before the Lord and each other. Join them as they seek to walk in faith before Him.

Meets twice monthly. Confidential information can be obtained through email. Contact sidebyside@cedarcrest.church



Discipleship Institute








Discipleship Institute





Discipleship Institute






Church Planting
