Student Ministry

Making Student-Aged Disciples of Jesus Christ

Who We Are

Student Ministry exists to come alongside parents in making student-aged disciples of Jesus Christ in the Lehigh Valley.

Ages: 6th – 12th Grade

Connect with us!

Student Ministry Pastor: Jules Hull

Phone: 610-432-2200


Upcoming Events

The Youth Group Super Bowl party. A great time of football, games, video games, food, prizes, and more. This is a great event to invite friends to. Hope to see you there. This is a free event but please bring a side dish, desserts, or drinks. We will provide pizza. Go Birds!!!!

Weekly Gatherings

Wednesdays 6:30-8PM: Our night begins with worship in song in the chapel, where our student band leads their peers in Christ-centered praise.

Students must check-in upon arrival!

Then we dive into Scripture with a verse-by-verse lesson, followed by small group time guided by the Youth Leaders. This is where students can build meaningful relationships with one another, share prayer requests and burdens, provide accountability to each other, and discuss what they learned from the lesson.

Finally, we end our time together with games and hanging out in the gym (Activity Center). Join us!

On the last Wednesday of every month, the Youth Group will split up by gender and meet as two separate boys and girls groups.

Middle schoolers and high schoolers meet separately for Sunday School at 8:45 AM.

Equip and Support Parents

A vital part of our mission statement is to “come alongside parents” as they disciple their students. What we do is supplement the ministry of the home. For that reason, we have recommended some resources for parents and mentors to aid them in their ministry to students.


Discipleship Opportunities


For the safety of our students, we require either an electronically (preferred) or paper permission form for each student be filled out by the parent/guardian for each school year (once each school year is sufficient).


An essential part of discipleship is mentorship. We want all of our students to have a more mature believer mentor them in their walk with God. If you are interested in being a mentee or mentor, please contact


Every disciple of Jesus is called to be baptized. At Cedar Crest, we delight in baptizing young people who have counted the cost and chosen to follow Jesus. We have a study that we ask mentors to take young people through. Please (as a parent/mentor) click the button below to submit a baptism application on behalf of your student. Pastor Chris will reach out to you with more details.

Serving in the Church

We believe God when He tells us Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 that every believer, including students, has a spiritual gift and is to use that gift to build up the Church! Click below to let us know where you/your student feels led to serve!

We encourage all of our students to serve within our churches other ministries (i.e. nursery, sound/media, worship team, babysitting for lifegroups, etc.)

Student Worship Team

We love that God has gifted us with students who are gifted musically and who seek to lead their peers in the corporate worship of God through song. Click below if you are interested in joining the team!

Wednesday Night Teaching

All of these recordings are the weekly teaching students hear at our Wednesday Night Youth Group. It’s a phenomenal way for students to be reminded of truth they’ve heard and for parents to engage with what their students are hearing.

Subscribe Podcast: ITunesiHeart Radio



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Discipleship Institute





Discipleship Institute






Church Planting
