NO Discipleship Institute tomorrow | Worship Service time change to 9AM


Meeting the Physical Needs of the Church

Who We Are

The Deacons are a group of servant leaders who minister to the physical and felt needs of the church family. First established by the early church to free up the Elders to continue doing the work of gospel ministry (preaching and teaching), the Deacons represent the hands and feet of Christ, ministering to the needy, sick, and otherwise vulnerable members of Cedar Crest BFC.

Their generous actions often go unnoticed behind the scenes. You’ve likely unknowingly interacted with a Deacon before, perhaps when he welcomed you on your way into church or even ushered you to an open pew on Sunday morning!

Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty.

Acts 6:3

What We Do

We receive the Benevolence Offering from the congregation and oversee its faithful and wise distribution to those in need. If you have a request, speak to a Deacon confidentially or email us. If you wish to give to the Benevolence Fund (Deacon Fund), click here.

We coordinate and provide support for our Food Bank that helps to feed over 2,000 local families each year!

If you are in need, please call 610-432-2200. Food Bank is available by Appointment on the first and third Thursday of each month, from 6:30 PM – 8 PM.

We strive to provide regular fellowship and care for both widows(ers) and seniors.

If you are a widow(er) or senior and do not already have regular contact with one of the Deacons, please reach out to us!

Although we’d love to, the Deacons can’t meet every need in the church! That’s where the Helps Team comes in.

It is a Deacon-organized group of church volunteers who come alongside the Deacons in serving those in the congregation with short needs that aren’t otherwise being met. Learn more.

We love to provide rides to those who can’t drive or simply don’t have a ride to church on Sunday mornings. We’ll pick you up and drop you back off!

Please call the church (610-432-2200) by 4 PM on Thursday to be scheduled for a ride on Sunday!

We oversee the preparation and distribution of the ordinances as well as the team of ushers that are available to assist you on Sunday mornings.

Please reach out to us if you have a need that one of our ministries can meet. Even if we can’t, we’ll get you in touch with someone who can!



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Discipleship Institute





Discipleship Institute






Church Planting
